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Millennium Cactus drink has been famous and popular since many decades ago and was founded by Dr Chen. This product contains cactus as its main ingredient that holds miraculous benefits towards human's health, especially towards cancer prevention.


Powerful Ally Against Cancer

Cactus is very rich in phytochemicals and it is a type of nutrient that helps plants defend against damages from the environment. Scientists found that cactus extract increased immune cell activity against cancer, enhanced cellular immune mechanisms that prevent cancer formation, causing the immune system to function more efficiently, fought against cancer formation effectively, and prevent tumor growth.


Strong Shield Against Cardiovascular Disease

Cactus extract is also a strong shield against cardiovascular disease, while it can effectively lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase the metabolism of low-density lipoproteins ("bad chlolesterol"). 


Amazing Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Cactus contain an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that speeds up collagen formation and growth of new blood vessels. It is rich in antioxidants that help defend against DNA damage, thereby slowing cell aging. 



  • 30 sachets/box


    • Phytochemicals can help prevent cancer
    • Block some actions of carcinogens
    • Stimulate immune system
    • Prevent DNA damage
    • Enhance DNA repair
    • Slow growth rate of cancer cells
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Reduce oxidative damage
    • Help regulate hormones
    • Inhibit cancer cell growth
    • Suppress tumor growth
    • Increase number of cells undergoing self destruction as a protection against abnormalities
    • Strengthening  immune system
    • Lowering blood sugar
    • Lowering cholesterol levels
    • Speed up wound healing
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