Just like any other girls, we have been exploring, making impulse purchases and ended up with drawers of unused beauty products.
As we aged, our metabolism decreases and many girls would have faced weight issues. There were tons of detox and slimming products in the market that we have tried. None shown results. But we were lucky to meet the founder of Youngandhealthy® and tried the Fibretox® & Gen Cap®. The amazing results make us fall in love with the products. From there, we decided to become the distributor for Youngandhealthy®.
The passion for beauty grew stronger! We are beauty-obsessed! Hence, we started up Soulgood Beauty Pte. Ltd. We looked beyond health, and studied the real-life problems of Asia woman had with their current beauty regimens. This led us to focus on bringing a suite of solutions to all your beauty concerns.
Be real! Everyone wants to look good and want passerbys to give us a second glance!
With that passion for beauty, Soulgood wants to be the most recognized and trusted beauty store, bringing and sharing a variety of products which we have tested, and believe to be useful.
Appearance matters but its not all! We want to motivate and provide opportunities to any women out there who wants to be an Entrepreneur! Make your soul feel good.
Come and join the SOULGOOD SQUAD!